- Attempt to lose weight if recommended by your surgeon.
- You should make plans to stop smoking. You should consult with your primary care physician for strategies to accomplish this.
- Protect your skin. MAKE SURE ANY EXISTING WOUNDS ARE HEALED PRIOR TO YOUR SURGERY. Call the office right away if you develop any cuts, scrapes, rashes, or other skin lesions.
- If you are allergic to metals, glues, or other substances please make sure your orthopaedic surgeon is aware of these allergies.
- Post-operative appointments for all surgeries are made prior to your surgery based on clinical criteria for your follow-up. A list of these appointments will be given to you on your last appointment before your surgery or they will be mailed to you.
- Your post-operative medications will be called into your preferred pharmacy 5 days prior to surgery. Please call your local pharmacy to ensure that the medications have been called in and are ready for you to pick up prior to your surgery.
- You will need to have all necessary dental work completed prior to your surgery.
- You should consult your Primary Care Physician to see if you will need to take an iron supplement.
- Stop taking all herbal medicines two weeks prior to surgery.
- Stop taking all anti-inflammatory medications one week prior to surgery.
- If you are taking an anticoagulant (including Plavix, aspirin, Coumadin, Pradaxa, Xarelto, or any blood thinner) you need to discuss this with the physician who placed you on these medications and who will be managing your health care on an ongoing basis. You should also discuss this with your Great Lakes Orthopaedic Center surgeon.
- If you are having surgery at Munson Medical Center in Traverse City, contact them the day before your surgery between 2:00 PM and 5:00 PM for your required arrival time. Their phone numbers are 231-935-7181 or (800) 468-6766.
- If you are having surgery at the Alliance Surgery Center, a nurse will contact you the day before your surgery for arrival time. Their phone number is 231-252-1228.
- DO NOT EAT OR DRINK ANYTHING AFTER MIDNIGHT of the day prior to your surgery. You can eat up until MIDNIGHT the evening before your surgery, but not after.
- Before surgery, you need to clean your entire body. A special soap (chlorhexidine) will be provided. This will reduce your risk of infection. You will be asked to bathe or shower with this soap for the 2 days before surgery and the morning of your surgery. You may obtain the soap at Munson Medical Center, any Munson Medical Center affiliate, or your surgeon’s office. Directions for the use of this soap will be given to you along with the soap.
- Arrive 2 hours prior to your scheduled surgery time.
- If you use a CPAP or BIPAP machine bring it with you to the hospital.
- If you have an advanced medical directive, living will, or medical durable power of attorney, bring a copy to the hospital on the day of surgery.
- If you were given a brace, sling, or immobilizer prior to surgery, bring it with you.
- If you have a walker or crutches that you will be using after surgery please bring them into the hospital so your physical therapist can make sure they are properly fitted.
- If you were given your ice machine (Cryo-Cuff) prior to surgery, bring it with you.
- If you are having a total joint replacement or a lumbar fusion, we ask that you DO NOT have any routine dental work done for 6 months following your surgery.